So, I know that turds aren't really what you want to see on a blog about cakes, but I just couldn't hold this one in any
This is the lucky recipient of one of my latest cakes:
I give you Mr. Ryan Bunnell.
As well as being an awesome neighbor and friend, Ryan is a bit of a turd. Most times, he smells like one, too, but that's another story. So when his lovely wife Anna told me it was his birthday and that he liked German chocolate cake, this is what ensued:
4 Layers of chocolatey goodness...
Topped with German chocolate frosting....
And personalized just for the birthday boy!
But the crowning touch:
Yep, a turdcake. That's how I roll...
(Don't worry, it's just a Snickers bar...)
And on that note,
Sweet Thoughts!
Angel Cakes Ali
Klassy. With a K, because it's extra special.