Friday, August 20, 2010


So, summer is almost over for this cake gal, what with school starting in a couple days.  What better way to celebrate than by making a cake for a 1 year-old's birthday party!  Thank you to Keri for the order of this pirate/skulls themed cake tattoo cake! ;)

I really love Duff's Cake Tattoos!  They look SO cool!
They have some really awesome ones, too.

This is the one I used for this cake and my hubby's birthday cake!

One cake for the guests...

...and one JUST for the birthday boy!!!


My decorating stand!
It makes it sooo easy to decorate and frost the cakes!  
I've wanted one for a while now, but I decided I'd better get it since I was doing a lot of round cakes lately.
It spins both directions and even has a lock!  I know, I'm a nerd, but buying this made my day!

Keep those cake orders coming!
Visit my facebook page:
Leave me a comment here on my blog!  
My contact info is on Facebook also, if you need to get a hold of your new 

Sweet Thoughts!
Angel Cakes Ali

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jack's New Home...

Here's some pictures taken of "Jack" in his new home...

 This one shows a little more of the detail that the structure provided.

                                                                     The Birthday Girl!

There's a weird shine from the cake board in this one...


So glad everybody enjoyed everything!  I wish I could get pictures like this for all the cakes I deliver! ;)
Sweet Thoughts!

Angel Cakes Ali

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ain't NUTHIN' wrong with Jack!...


Well, I finished the cake.  Got it delivered at 5:00 on the dot.  Got paid the big bucks and went to eat at Buddy's to celebrate all my hard work!  What a great day!  I think the cake turned out splendidly!  Here's the process in pictures of the cake-makery today!
After leveling the cakes, I added some of the pieces back on to create the structure for the face.

Here is the structure and the picture I was working from.

Crumb coated...
...with rolled fondant to help create the "eyebrow"-like eye sockets.

Rolled out a sheet of white fondant and placed it ever-so-carefully on the face.

Trimmed the edges and smoothed it out.

Recruited my hubby to do some of the scary cutting of the eyes.

Added nostrils and started the fondant on the mouth.

Almost done...just a few more strips of black and a wash with my secret ingredient on the black...

Adding the final touches and words on the cake board and...


There you have it, folks!  Complete with "Burton's Nightmare" font for the piping and everything!

I was really happy with the way this cake turned out.  I'm always so nervous that the structure of the cake underneath won't translate to what I want it to look like after I put the fondant on, but this worked out SO WELL!  I really enjoyed making this cake, even under the time constraints.  This is a cake I've been wanting to make since last Halloween.  My husband and I are HUGE Nightmare Before Christmas fans (well, Tim Burton fans all around) and I made the coolest homemade Sally costume a couple years ago!  Thanks to Omar and Victor for being thoughtful friends and ordering this cake from me, and thanks to Bridget for being born so I could make her this bad-ass cake!  I hope they enjoyed seeing/eating it as much as I did making it!

Golden Vanilla cake, 2-9x2 layers
Creamy Vanilla frosting between layers and crumb coat
Wilton white and black fondant flavored with Wilton clear vanilla extract
Black piping gel for lettering on cake board


So, I was contacted this morning about a rush order cake for a birthday that needed to be done by five.  As of right now it's 2:05, so I have about 2 1/2 hours to finish it.  It's baked and sculpted and in the freezer as I type this.  I hope I can leave it alone for about ten more minutes so it can set up enough for me to crumb coat and fondant with no problems!  This is the picture I am working off of...

I'm SO EXCITED to do a Jack cake!  I LOVE JACK!  There is an incredible Jack and Sally cake that I would love to be experienced enough to attempt...maybe in a few ten years...  I really hope this one turns out as fabulously as I want it to!!!!!  It's for some extremely fabulous people!  (And when you get paid for a cake, it should be your best...)

I can't wait! I must check the cake!  Wish me luck, folks!  I'll post pics when I'm done, but for now, here's a look at a similar cake I made for my son Aidan's fourth birthday....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Greetings and Salutations!

Hi there, world!  It's me!  Alison Anglesey.  Just trying this whole "blogging" thing out because it seems all the rage with the young folk these days ;).   Anyway, I would just like to use this blog to show you pictures of my cakes and give a little bit more in-depth look at what goes on in the process of making them.  I'm available for hire in the Southeast Idaho area, but for the right price I'll go anywhere!  So look for future posts including pictures of my fabulous cakes so far!  I'd love to hear your comments and suggestions and questions, and especially your custom orders!  Blog at you soon!

Angel Cakes Ali

PS-Here is one of my favorite far!

Pride and Prejudice Cake for Marissa! :)